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eNTRALYNC is comprised of young professionals that are from disadvantaged communities that continue to assist in the positive development of these areas.  Partners of the organization participate in numerous activities to uplift and instill the values of giving back as well as giving forward.  They are using the resources they have attained through higher education, professional training, and social interaction in disadvantage communities to create value.  The company is composed of energy managers, a small business owner, a doctor, highly skilled technicians (submetering, HVAC, fiber optics), data analysts, and a community political advisor.  Strong ties with community leaders and have been instrumental in programs that provide meals during holiday times, neighborhood beautification, upgrades to local schools facilities such as a computer lab and gymnasium floor, annual festivals and street fairs that help unify all the stakeholders of these areas.


To help reduce income inequality by providing the same resources that are available for corporations and the affluent to small businesses and underdeveloped areas.


Meet The Team

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